Saturday 13 June 2009

When life throws you lemons

There are bitter experiences in every man's life. You can duck and dive from these as the smooth road sometimes gets bumpy and you meander into stife and grief. You can either make lemonade with the lemons thrown at you or you could bite that lemon and down it with a shot of tequila.

I believe my life is written, God knows me more than i know myself. Sometimes i fight with Him because the tests can be overwhelming but always they are worth the lesson learnt after the breakthrough.... OOooohhhh i'm oozing with excitement right now... Feeling wholesome with the negative and the positive, its a piece of the full beautiful picture...

I got my angels surrounding me and i can feel theirs halo's which never fade away. Shining in my life and hitting me like the rays of sun... The past 4 years of my life have flown by and my angels been watching over me. I still feel 20 and its shocking that i'm becoming more of a grown ass woman at a faster pace. My brother is my rock in my life... He guarded, provided and loved me since my dad died at 13 and i feared failing to live up to his high expectations and hopes for my life. I had nuff respect for him, still do but damn! he drummed lectures into my teenage mind. Now that i speak to him it seems the lectures have finally stopped - all he says is that i should pursue happiness above everything else i want to achieve in my life. Its very important to chase after the right things in life and making that decision can change your future. You can spend time worrying, complaining or wearing a mask and sacrifice your happiness BUT i say HEYYYYY!!! Wake the hell up and choose happiness no matter whats thrown in your path!

Happiness is not something you have in your hands, its something you have in your heart... so people, keep a happy heart - not angry, not needy and definately not greedy...